Best React Component Libraries in 2019

Akhil Gautam
4 min readJun 10, 2019


Photo by Jean van der Meulen from Pexels

People ignore design that ignores people.

Today we are going to discuss the best React Component Libraries that can be used in 2019. React is no doubt one of the best front-end javascript libraries. The simplicity of its use and component-based architecture adds beauty to it.
And because of that, a lot of React components libraries have come into the picture that can provide an ultimate UI/UX with no effort at all. Let’s dive into it.


React components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design.

Material-UI is a set rich React Components that implements Google’s Material Design. It contains almost all the components that we will need during the entire development process. Apart from that, if we need some tweaking in the components, it has got built-in theming support. And the best part is that we don’t need to install the whole package in our codebase, we can install any specific component.


An enterprise-class UI design language and React implementation with a set of high-quality React components, one of the best React UI library for enterprises.

With more than 40k stars on it’s GitHub repo, it is the second most popular Component Library. It is not only a Component library but a Design Language itself. It is also comprised up of a wide range of ready-to-use component to fulfill and UI requirement. It is written in typescript so it supports typescript out of the box without the need to search its tye definitions here and there. It can be even directly used in the browser from its CDNs but it is often discouraged and suggested to be used with build tools like webpack. You can be a fan of Ant Design just after going to its home page 👌. I have to put it at the number to only because of the lack of Material Design which is a hot cake in the market right now.


Atlassian’s official UI library, built according to the Atlassian Design Guidelines.

Atlaskit is an open-source library by Atlassian which powers their UI. It has all the components open-sourced that we see while using any Atlassian product. The components are truly amazing and feature rich but still, Atlaskit is not as much famous as the two mentioned above because of two major reasons:
1. It is not on GitHub but on Bitbucket
2. It is closely coupled with the design language of Atlassian.
Though, I would suggest people can go with this and build any UI in no time with this UI kit.


Fabric React is a collection of robust React-based components designed to make it simple for you to create consistent web experiences using the Office Design Language.

Fabric is React component library by Microsoft which is used in almost all the products manufactured under their roof and some of them are Ofice365, Outlook, Onedrive, Sharepoint and many more. Fabric is too good when it comes to creating UI which really pronounces itself. It has got a vast list of components and is well tested to work on all screen sizes without any glitch.
The only reason for its less popularity is that people still think Microsoft and Open-Source poles apart. One can build a web app which will appear to be a native Windows application with Fabric. I would suggest every React developer try it at least for once.

5. Semantic UI React

Semantic is a development framework that helps create beautiful, responsive layouts using human-friendly HTML.

Semantic UI React is React implementation of Semantic UI web components. Though Semantic UI depends on jQuery, Semantic UI React is jQuery free and completely re-written to provide the original UI/UX without jQuery. Its UI components are very sleek and intuitive. It may not be at the top in this list but it contains some really beautiful components that are used in day-to-day UI development. Companies like Netflix and Amazon are using Semantic UI in some of their internal applications which speak its fame.

With that being said, the order that you see here is solely based on my taste and opinion. No of the above better than others, it all depends on use cases. I hope you loved exploring the above libraries and I will be happy if it helped you in your development process.

Akhil Gautam



Akhil Gautam
Akhil Gautam

Written by Akhil Gautam

I am a fullStack developer building things at BigBinary using Ruby on Rails and React.js .

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